Small Businesses Leading the Way
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COSBOA has announced a round table on workplace relations where it will call for all businesses to follow the rules when it comes to workplace laws and behaviours.
Peter Strong, medications CEO of COSBOA said today “There is no excuse for underpayment or illegal behaviour by a business to the cost of employees and competitors. COSBOA will provide leadership on this issue by holding a round table in Melbourne on 3 April 2017 to send a clear message about compliance. We will also workshop ways to better manage this minority of unscrupulous business people and those who just make the wrong decision.”
COSBOA knows that in Australia the vast majority of employers are good and contributing members of society who abide by rules and regulations. Our society is for most safe and a good place to work and live. There are however always some who do the wrong thing and that is why we need rules and regulators. COSBOA and its members work hard with regulators to assist them in education and compliance activity. We also work hard with policy makers to ensure that policy is fit for purpose.
Mr Strong added “Currently the reputation of employers is under threat from the behaviours of a few businesses, particularly in franchising but also in various other sectors. This minority, as always, will give the majority a bad name. We know that workplace relations is full of politics, ideology and legal arguments and that is why we need regulators for business and for unions, and law enforcement and a legal profession.
The current spate of underpayment of wages by some combined with the recent penalty rate decision has certainly focused politics and society onto our workplace relations system. The apparent and real abuse of the rights of visa holders in the workplace also has to be addressed.”
Mr Strong also added “We will send a message that rules are there for a reason. They must be followed by all involved. If a process or a regulation is poorly designed, not fit for purpose or difficult to understand we will confront those issues as needed but until then ‘rules are rules’ the ‘law is the law’.”
Note: The attendance at the round table is by invitation only although others can participate on-line. If any business representatives are interested in attending please contact info@cosboa.org.au or call (02) 9431 8646 during work hours.
Media are invited to attend or participate through the On-Line presentation.