In preparing this submission COSBOA consulted with a range of stakeholders, including Tech Council of Australia (TCA), Communications and Information Technology Training (CITT), Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO), CPA Australia, Pharmacy Guild, the Australian Hairdressing Council (AHC), Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB), and DSPANZ.
COSBOA's key recommendations for the Strategy are:
1. Best Practice: Provision of small business best practice guidelines
2. A Designated Certification Scheme: Expansive roll-out of CyberWardens as the designated cyber essentials certification scheme.
3. Continued Support: Continued support of small businesses including a limitation of non-compliance penalties.
4. Leverage Investment in a Scale-able Solution: Investment in CyberWarden’s national roll-out as a certification-based solution will set a new standard for micro market players and will formalise the pivotal role they play in any first or developing world economy.
These recommendations aim to support small businesses while ensuring cyber security and consumer confidence.
For full details please to read the full submission, Australian Cybersecurity 2023-2030